



Management service keeps track of lifecycle of a component. Commands from the
client are executed only when the Management service is in READY state.

Require: Access Control service
Inherit from: none

12.1 Service Behavior

12.1.1 State Diagram

Figure 11 Management State Diagram

12.1.2 State Actions

State Actions
  • Perform initialize procedures
  • Initialization complete, waiting for RESUME message
  • Execute commands
  • Handle emergency condition
  • Unrecoverable error
  • Shut down
  • Become not useable

12.1.3 Internal Events

Event Parameters Purpose
ieReceiveMessage Process messages: Reset, Resume, Emergency, and Query Status.
ieEmergency emergency = [set | clear] Raise when transition to EMERGENCY, or when transition to STAND BY from EMERGENCY
ieShutdown Raise when transition to SHUTDOWN
ieRenderUseless Raise when transition to RENDER USELESS.

12.1.4 Transitions

Transition Trigger Condition Action
A Complete initialization procedures and Start Received Update Management State of the owning component
B Reset received Update Management State of the owning component
C Resume received Access Control Update Management State of the owning component.
D Resume timeout Access Control Update Management State of the owning component
E Set Emergency received Update Management State of the owning component. Access control service transitions to Not Available.
F Set Emergency received Update Management State of the owning component. Access control service transitions to Not Available.
G Clear Emergency received Update Management State of the owning component. Access control service transitions to Available.
H Reset received Access Control Update Management State of the owning component.
I Unrecoverable error detected
J Shutdown received or encounter fatal error Update Management State of the owning component.
K Render Useless Update Management State of the owning component.

12.2 Protocol

12.2.1 Incoming Message Set

# ID Message
1 H:0x00000001
L: 0x00000130
2 H:0x00000001
L: 0x00000132
3 H:0x00000001
L: 0x00000132
4 H:0x00000001
L: 0x00000133
Set Emergency
5 H:0x00000001
L: 0x00000134
Clear Emergency
6 H:0x00000001
L: 0x00000135
7 H:0x00000001
L: 0x00000136
Render Useless
8 H:0x00000001
L: 0x00000137
Query Management State

12.2.2 Outgoing Message Set

# ID Message
1 H:0x00000001
L: 0x00000138
Report Management State

12.3 Parameters

  1. CYCLEINTERVAL double, time interval in seconds of each cycle, default=0.1.
  2. RESUMETIMEOUT double, timeout in seconds not receiving RESUME message, default=2.0. Note RESUME is needed for the controlling client to keep the management state in READY.