

Auto Startup

18.Auto Startup

Uli SDK comp apps are deployed to ~/uli_deploy directory and Isaac SDK app are deployed to ~/deploy. It can be setup so that the Uli SDK comp apps and Isaac SDK app start when system starts. Uli SDK provides the systemctl unit file, uli.service, and scripts in apps/etc directory to accomplish this.

The uli.service calls startUli.sh to start the comp apps and calls stopUli.sh to stop the comp apps. The startUli.sh also calls startIsaac.sh to start the Isaac app. Modify the scripts for your need.

Here are the instructions to set up for auto startup:

1.Create ~/uli_etc directory and copy the scripts and uli.service to ~/uli_etc.

% cd
% mkdir uli_etc
% cp ~/ovt/uli_sdk/apps/etc/*.sh ~/ovt/uli_sdk/apps/etc/uli.service ~/uli_etc

2.Setup auto start for the uli.service.

% sudo su
# cp uli.service /etc/systemd/system
# systemctl enable uli.service

3.The uli.service is required to start after the network interfaces are up, you also need to enable NetworkManager-wait-online.service:

# systemctl enable NetworkManager-wait-online.service

If synchronization of system time is needed, add time-sync.target to the After= in the unit file. Time is essential to the Uli SDK to be sure data are updated regularly that comp apps should start after system time synchronization is completed. Refer to Linux manual page Systemd.special(7).